Both Feni and Comilla are situated in the Chittagong division. The distance from Feni to Comilla is almost 65 km. If you want to make a journey from Feni to Comilla by train and looking for the train schedules on the route, please follow the article until the last because the post will help you find any train schedules information and ticket prices inconvenience. So, no more delay, let’s go to collect the information.
Table of Contents
Feni To Comilla Intercity Train Schedule
The Feni to Comilla train route has almost 7 trains, namely, Mohanagar Godhuli (703), Paharika Express (719), Mahanagar Express (721), Udayan Express (723), Turna Express (741), Bijoy Express (785). I have already given here the elaborate information of the train on the list below. Please follow the list to get this information.
Train Name | Off Day | Departure | Arrival |
Mohanagar Godhuli (703) | No | 16:22 | 17:27 |
Paharika Express (719) | Mon | 09:16 | 10:25 |
Mahanagar Express (721) | Sunday | 13:56 | 15:02 |
Udayan Express (723) | Wed | 23:07 | 00:09 |
Turna Express (741) | No | 00:52 | 01:55 |
Bijoy Express (785) | Tue | 10:41 | 11:42 |
CHATTALA EXPRESS (801) | Fri | 07:30 | 08:39 |
Feni To Comilla Train Ticket Price
I hope you got a complete idea about the Feni train schedules to the Comilla train route from the list above. Now I am going to present here the ticket price for your convenience. If you want to know all the ticket prices, please follow the table below.
Seat Category | Ticket Price (15% VAT) |
Shuvon | 65 |
Shuvon Chair | 80 |
Snigdha | 150 |
AC | 179 |
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