Akhaura to Brahmanbaria is a short-distance route, and the route’s total distance is only 16 KM. It is one of the popular and busy routes where you will get available trains. Before traveling somewhere by train, you have to know the route’s train schedules and ticket prices. If you notice below, you will get information about all the route’s train schedules and ticket prices.
Table of Contents
Akhaura To Brahmanbaria Intercity Train Schedule
If you want to travel from Akhaura to Brahmanbaria by intercity train, this article is for you. Here we have arranged information about all the intercity trains. You will get here about the off day, departure, and arrival times of the intercity trains.
Train Name | Off Day | Departure | Arrival |
Mohanagar Godhuli (703) | No | 18:23 | 18:41 |
Upakul express (711) | Wed | 08:53 | 09:10 |
Mahanagar Express (721) | Sunday | 16:08 | 16:26 |
Turna Express (741) | No | 02:50 | 03:07 |
CHATTALA EXPRESS (801) | Fri | 09:37 | 09:55 |
Akhaura To Brahmanbaria Ticket Price
As the distance from Akhaura to Brahmanbaria roue is very low, the ticket prices are relatively lower. In the following table, I have arranged all the train ticket prices along with the seat categories. Have a look there and collect the information you need.
Seat Category | Ticket Price (15% VAT) |
Shuvon | 45 |
Shuvon Chair | 50 |
First Seat | 90 |
First Birth | 110 |
Snigdha | 115 |
AC | 127 |
AC Birth | 150 |
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