Planning to travel from the Bhairab Bazar to Feni and looking for train schedules on the route? Yes, the post is suitable for you. Bhairab Bazar is a part of the Kishoreganj district. The distance from Bhairab Bazar to Feni is 168 km. Follow the article attentively till the last to get all the train schedules with ticket prices.
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Bhairab Bazar To Feni Intercity Train Schedule
There are available a total of 4 trains on the Bhairab Bazar to Feni route, namely, Mahanagar Provati Express (704), Mahanagar Express (722), Turna Express (742), and Chattala Express (68). The Mohanagar Provati Express and Turna Express run regularly, and the Mohanagar Express and Chattala Express also run regularly, except Sunday and Tuesday. Now check the list to get more about it.
Train Name | Off Day | Departure | Arrival |
Mahanagar Provati Express (704) | No | 09:19 | 12:00 |
Mahanagar Express (722) | Sunday | 23:03 | 01:53 |
Turna Express (742) | No | 00:52 | 03:40 |
CHATTALA EXPRESS (802) | Fri | 15:35 | 18:33 |
Bhairab Bazar To Feni Train Ticket Price
The Bhairab Bazar to Feni route train ticket price starts from 155 BDT only for the Shuvon category, and the highest price is 627 for the AC Birth. There are available more ticket options according to the seat categories. Please check the table below to get the information about it.
Seat Category | Ticket Price (15% VAT) |
Shuvon | 155 |
Shuvon Chair | 185 |
First Seat | 245 |
First Birth | 365 |
Snigdha | 351 |
AC | 420 |
Ac Birth | 627 |
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