The information of the Khulna to Ishwardi train schedule is here. If you searching for this, no more searcing you can easily read it from here. Have you made a plan to travel Ishwardi from Khulna by train? You have taken the right decision. The distance of this route is approximately 185 KM. The distance is a bit long I hope the train will be a suitable vehicle on this route for you. Properly read the full article.
Table of Contents
Khulna To Ishwardi Intercity Train Schedule
If you want a comfortable and enjoyable journey on the Khulna to Ishwardi route you should choose the Intercity trains. The Intercity trains provide some impressive features. The trains are run on Khulna to Ishwardi route, these trains name has been given in below.
Train Name | Off Day | Departure | Arrival |
Kapotaskh Express (715) | Fri | 06:45 | 10:50 |
Rupsha Express (727) | Thu | 07:15 | 11:25 |
Simanta Express (747) | Mon | 21:15 | 01:20 |
Sagardari Express (761) | Mon | 16:00 | 20:15 |
Chittra Express (763) | Sun | 09:00 | 13:15 |
Khulna To Ishwardi Mail/Express Train Schedule
If you have enough time and want to save extra money you should choose the Mail/Express trains. The Mail/Express trains stop on the regular stoppage and for that, you need more time for the journey. There are two Mail/Express trains available on Khulna to the Ishwardi route. Check it now from the below chart.
Train Name | Off Day | Departure | Arrival |
Mohananda Express (15) | No | — | — |
Rocket Express (23) | No | — | — |
Khulna To Ishwardi Train Ticket Price
The poor people can travel by train at a low cost and it is the big advantage of train. In the below chart the ticket price of Khulna to the Ishwardi route train has been added. I hope the ticket price for this route train is not very costly. You can easily buy it. Check the chart and choose one according to your choice.
Seat Category | Ticket Price (15% VAT) |
Shuvon Chair | 290 |
First Seat | 449 |
First _B | 667 |
Snigdha | 558 |
AC | 667 |
AC_B |
1001 |
I hope the above information will be helpful for you while you going on a trip to Khulna to the Ishwardi route. If you think any information is missing that I have not added please let me know by writing a comment.