Khulna to Dhaka is one of the busiest train routes in Bangladesh. Many of you are finding the exact details of the Khulna to Dhaka train schedule and ticket price. So we are here with the relevant information based on Bangladesh Railway. We also have special safety travel tips for you. Hope you don’t miss that.
Table of Contents
There are 2 trains available here Khulna To Dhaka Train Schedule. They have different departure times. Many of these trains are luxurious. many of them have many modern facilities and services. They make your journey comfortable. They are so safe. You should travel by train. The schedule is given below based on Bangladesh Railway. Let’s have a look.
Train Name | Off Day | Departure | Arrival |
Sundarban Express (725) | Tues | 21:45 | 05:10 |
Chitra Express (763) | Mon | 09:00 | 18:05 |
The ticket prices are not so high. Anyone can easily buy it. There are many kinds of tickets available here. The prices are based on their seat facilities and services. The ticket prices are given below based on Bangladesh Railway. Please have a look.
Seat Category | Ticket Price (15% VAT) |
Shuvon | 420 |
Shuvon Chair | 505 |
First Seat | 670 |
First Birth | 1005 |
Snigdha | 840 |
AC | 1005 |
Ac Birth | 1505 |
Related Schedule:
Dhaka To Khulna Train Schedule & Ticket Price
Parbatipur To Dhaka Train Schedule & Ticket Price
Safety Tips
If you feel anything fishy you can contact Bangladesh Railway Police. Bangladesh Police Emergency number: 999
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Ticket er taka ki station a asay paid korbo
Kivabe tikit katte hbe online theke
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