Chilahati to Santahar train schedule and ticket price is here. Are you searching for information to travel by this route? Here you will get all the essential information about Chilahati to Santahar route. The train transport system in Bangladesh is now improved. Nowadays you can travel by train without any harassment anywhere.
Table of Contents
There are 6 intercity trains in Chilahati To Santahar route. The arrival time, departure time and weekly off-day of those trains are given below. See the chart very carefully and make sure your trip easier.
Train Name | Off Day | Departure | Arrival |
Rupsha Express (728) | Thu | 08:30 | 12:00 |
Barendra Express (732) | Sun | 05:00 | 08:45 |
Titumir Express (734) | Wed | 15:00 | 18:55 |
Simanta Express (748) | Mon | 18:45 | 22:10 |
Nilsagar Express (766) | Sun | 20:00 | 23:20 |
CHILAHATI Express (806) | Sat | 06:00 | 09:15 |
If you compare the price with the bus service in Bangladesh, the train service is quite cheap. And the best choice for the middle classes and lower-middle classes people. Here are the ticket prices of the Chilahati to Santahar route which are provided based on seat category in BDT. See this chart gingerly and choose the best type of seat category for you.
Seat Category | Ticket Price (15% VAT) |
Shuvon | 150 |
Shuvon Chair | 195 |
First Seat | 299 |
First Birth | 449 |
Snigdha | 374 |
AC | 449 |
Ac Birth | 667 |
Related schedule:
Rupsha Express Train Schedule & Ticket Price
Titumir Express Train Schedule & Ticket Price
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