Bhairab Bazar is a city that is lo acted in the Kishoreganj district and Kasba is an Upazila which is located in the Brahmanbaria district. The distance between the two places is almost 73 km. If you want to make a journey from Bhairab Bazar to Kasba and looking for the train schedules on the route, then the post is suitable for you. Please continue reading the article.
Table of Contents
On the Bhirab Bazar to Kasba route, there has a total of 2 trains available. The names of the trains are Upakul Express (712), Mohanagar Express (722). The Upakul Express and Chattala Express run regularly except Tuesday and the Mohanagar Express also run regularly except Sunday. I have already presented here a table to provide all the detailed information about the train schedules. Please follow the list if you want.
Train Name | Off Day | Departure | Arrival |
Upukol Express (712) | Tuesday | 15:38 | 18:06 |
Mohanagar Express (722) | Sunday | 23:03 | 00:14 |
I hope you got all the train schedule information from the list above. Now come to know about the ticket prices. The prices on the Bhairab Bazar to Kasba route is starting from 75 BDT for the Shuvon category and the maximal price is 299 BDT for the AC Birth. There are also more ticket price options and you can choose any kind of price. Please follow the list to get more information about it.
Seat Category | Ticket Price (15% VAT) |
Shuvon | 75 |
Shuvon Chair | 90 |
First Seat | 115 |
First Birth | 175 |
Snigdha | 167 |
AC | 202 |
Ac Birth | 299 |
After analyzing all the train schedules and ticket prices on the Bhirab Bazar to Kasba route, I came in the last part of the article. Did you get the required information from the article? I hope that you got it. You can visit our other pages to get more related information. Thank you for visiting the site.