Train Schedule

Bhairab Bazar To Chittagong Train Schedule & Ticket Price

Bhairab Bazar is one of the busy rail stations. Millions of people travel from Bhairab Bazar to Chittagong by train. The rail journey has always been a pleasure for us. You don’t need to go to the railway station anymore for the train schedule. We got the full details of Bhairab Bazar to Chittagong train schedule. Read the following, get the right information:

Bhairab Bazar To Chittagong Train Schedule (Intercity)

It is 243 KM long from Bhairab Bazar to Chittagong. Which is a quite long distance. It can take up to 5 hours to arrive in Chittagong from Bhairab Bazar. Here you go the schedule below:

Train Name Off day Departure Arrival
Mahanagar Provati (704) No 09:19 13:35
Mahanagar Express (722) Sunday 23:03 03:30
Turna (742) No 12:52 05:15
Bijoy Express (786) Tuesday 12:42 05:00
CHATTALA Express (802) Fri 15:35 20:10

Intercity is one of the modern categories trains of in Bangladesh. It has a modern canteen, toilets, ac cabins. The intercity train is liked by all. And if you compare with Intercity with other trains in Bangladesh, you’ll notice the Intercity train is one of the best choices.

Bhairab Bazar To Chittagong Train Schedule (Mail Express)

Mail Express is another comfortable train service in Bangladesh. If you want to go Bhairab Bazar To Chittagong in Mail Express, here is the schedule for you:

Train Name Off day Departure Arrival
Chittagong Mail (02) No 00:57 07:25
Karnafuli Express (04) No 11:29 18:00
Mymensingh Express (38) No 12:22 21:10
Chattala Express (68) Tuesday 14:58 20:30

Mail Express is a normal train service which is quite slow than Intercity. It can be a little boring if it stops at regular intervals. It can stop in some of the stations. If you compare the Intercity to Mail Express, Intercity is a much better choice for you.

Bhairab Bazar To Chittagong Train Ticket Price

If you compare the price with Bus service of Bangladesh, Train is quite cheap. And the best choice for the middle classes and lower-middle classes. Here the ticket price provided seat category wise in BDT.

Seat Category Ticket Price (15% VAT)
Shuvon Chair 310
First Seat 472
First Birth 708
Snigdha 587
AC 708
Ac Birth 1058

Online Train Ticket Booking

You can buy the train ticket of Dhaka to Sylhet from online or from the railway station. You can buy the ticket before ten days of your journey. The information mentioned above about ticket price and schedule are according to Bangladesh Railway.

Buy Tickets Online

Safety first:

Bangladesh train is safe but you have to stay alert and Keep your goods carefully and take care of it. Don’t eat something from someone you don’t know. It is highly recommended to avoid suspects.

If you feel anything fishy you can contact with Bangladesh Railway Police.Bangladesh Police Emergency number: 999

Have a comfortable journey.