Train Schedule

Ullapara To B.B.East Train Schedule With Ticket Price

As you are here, so I supposed that you want to travel from Ullapara to B.B.East by train and so you are here to get all the train schedules, ticket prices and the other essential information you need for the journey. Ullapara to B.B.East is a long way, and the distance is only 114 KM. In this article, I have arranged all the train schedules and ticket prices of the route. So keep reading and collect information.

Ullapara To B.B.East Intercity Train Schedule

Ullapara is an Upazila in Sirajganj District, Rajshahi Division, and from there, you will get four intercity trains to go B.B.East. I have arranged all the train’s names and their schedules in the following table serially so that you can easily get any schedules.

Train Name Off Day Departure Arrival
Lalmani Express (752) Fri 15:54 17:01
Silkcity Express (754) Sun 09:40 10:44
PADMA EXPRESS (760) Tue 18:04 19:01
Chitra Express (763) Sun 14:30 15:35

Ullapara To B.B.East Train Ticket Price

Suppose you travel from Ullapara to B.B.East by train, you will need not more than an hour, and the ticket prices are not higher than the other transports. But if you travel on a high-quality seat, the ticket prices will be higher.

Seat Category Ticket Price (15% VAT)
Shuvon 110
Shuvon Chair 135
First Seat 175
First Birth 265
Snigdha 220
AC 265
AC Birth 395

That’s all about the topic. I have collected all the information in this article is from a valid source.