Tangail to Pirgacha is one of the long-distance train routes, and if you want to travel from Tangail to Pirgacha, you have to pass 409 KM. Most of the people have no idea about the train schedules and other essential information of the route. As a result, they are to face many problems on the way of journey. This is why I am here with all the information like the train schedules with the ticket prices of Tangail to Pirgacha route. [Just keep reading the information and pick up the information you need.
Table of Contents
Being Tangail to Pirgacha is a long-distance, everybody desires to travel by intercity train to enjoy the journey instead of feeling bored. This is why Bangladesh Railway fixed appointed an intercity train on Lalmoni Express (751). Friday is the off day of the route.
Train Name | Off Day | Departure | Arrival |
Lalmoni Express (751) | Fri | 23:35 | 06:40 |
After providing you the train schedule, I will share with you the train ticket prices of Tangail to Pirgacha route. If you notice below, you’ll be able to get all the train ticket prices of Tangail to Pirgacharoute. Read and choose the one you like.
Seat Category | Ticket Price (15% VAT) |
Shuvon | 335 |
Shuvon Chair | 400 |
First Seat | 530 |
First Birth | 795 |
Snigdha | 665 |
AC | 795 |
AC Birth | 1190 |
Have a good journey. I hope you have read the whole article from to bottom. On the site, you will be able to get all the train-related information.