Are you looking for the Tangail to Joypurhat train schedule? No reason for worry. Here we have brought this schedule and want to share it with you. If you think for a train journey from the Tangail to Joypurhat route, you need the train schedule. Let’s collect your essential schedule from here.
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There are two intercity trains in Tangail to Joypurhat route. The approximate distance of this route is about 172 KM. The distance is quite long. The intercity trains are a suitable vehicle for a long journey. Also, the intercity train provides many awesome services that’s enough for the passenger’s tranquillity. Have a look at the below chart.
Train Name | Off Day | Departure | Arrival |
Ekota Express (705) | No | 12:04 | 16:49 |
Drutojan Express (757) | No | 22:03 | 02:06 |
Here you able to know the train ticket price of Tangail to Joypurhat route. The ticket prices of this route are not very costly. It’s within your budget. Everyone can buy a train ticket and go on a trip by train. The ticket prices are given below in BDT currency.
Seat Category | Ticket Price |
Shuvon | 255 |
Shuvon Chair | 305 |
1st Seat | 405 |
1st Birth | 605 |
Snigdha | 505 |
Ac Seat | 605 |
AC Birth | 905 |
The above information will help you while you going on a train journey in the Tangail to Joypurhat route. The information collected from the Bangladesh Railway’s official website. If you feel that this article is helpful for you please leave a comment. Have a safe and secure journey.