Train Schedule

Tangail To Azimnagar Train Schedule With Ticket Price

Are you searching for Tangail to Azimpur intercity train schedule? Yes, I will present here all the train schedules and ticket prices on this route. A lot of train traveler search for train schedule information on internet. But most of them remain unable to know it. If you are also among them and want to make a journey from Tangail to Azimnagar route, then today you’re in the right place. So, no more delay, let’s go to know about the train schedules on the Tangail to Azimnagar route.

Tangail To Azimnagar Intercity Train Schedule

You know both Tangail and Azimnagar are situated in the Dhaka division. There is a long distance from Tangail to Azimnagar and there is only one train available on this route which is Lalmoni Express (751). The train runs regularly except for Friday. It departs from Tangail at 23:35 and arrives in Azimnagar at 02:01. Please follow the table below to get the information at a glance.

Train Name Off Day Departure Arrival
Lalmoni Express (751) Friday 23:35 02:01

Tangail To Azimnagar Train Ticket Price

You know that there is a long distance from Tangail to Azimnagar and the ticket prices on this route are a bit high. The lowest price is BDT 175 and the highest price is BDT 625. There are more ticket price options according to the seat categories. If you want to get all the ticket prices, please read the following table below.

Seat Category Ticket Price (15% VAT)
Shuvon 175
Shuvon Chair 210
First Seat 280
First Birth 425
Snigdha 350
AC 420
Ac Birth 625

After providing all the train schedules and ticket prices on the Tangail to Azimnagar route, I came to the last part of the article. If you think this information is not enough to know, please inform me through the comment section. You can visit our other pages to get more related information. Thank you.