Srimangal To Harashpur Train Schedule With Ticket Price

Are you searching for Srimangal to Harashpur intercity train schedule? If the answer is yes, then the article is suitable for you. At present, a lot of people travel by train and it is the most popular transportation. Howbeit, I am here with all the train schedules and ticket prices on the Srimangal to Harashpur route. If you want to collect the information, please keep reading the following article.

Srimangal To Harashpur Intercity Train Schedule

Train schedule is very important to know if you want to make a journey by train on any route. So, if you are planning to travel from Srimangal to Harashpur, you have to know the train schedule first. You may know that there are only two trains available on the route, namely, Jayantike Express (718) and Paharika Express (720). Please follow the table below to get more information.

Train Name Off Day Departure Arrival
Jayantika Express (718) Thursday 14:45 16:17
Paharika Express (720) Wed 12:57 14:39

Srimangal To Harashpur Train Ticket Price

I hope you got all the train schedules on the Srimangal to Harashpur route from the list above. Now come to know the ticket prices which is also important to know. The lowest price is BDT 70 and the highest price is BDT 276 which depends on the seat categories. Please check the table below to get more ticket prices.

Seat Category Ticket Price (15% VAT)
Shuvon 70
Shuvon Chair 80
First Seat 110
First Birth 160
Snigdha 156
AC 184
Ac Birth 276

After providing all the train schedules and ticket prices on the Srimangal to Harashpur route, I came to the final part of the article. I hope you got all the searched information from the article. If you think the article is beneficial for you, please share this information with your familiar person to help them. Thank you for staying with the site.