Train Schedule

Srimangal To Bhairab Bazar Train Schedule With Ticket Price

Are you looking for Srimangal to Bhairab Bazar intercity train schedule information? If you are looking for information, then the post is more suitable for you. Srimangal is a nice tourist place, situated in the Moulvibazar district and Bhairab Bazar is a part of the Kishoreganj district. I will discuss here all the train schedules with ticket prices. To get this information, stay with the page till the last.

Srimangal To Bhairab Bazar Train Schedule

The distance from Srimangal to Bhairab Bazar is almost 145 km. There are available only two trains on the route, namely, Parabat Express (710) and Kalani Express (774). The Kalani Express runs regularly and the Parabat Express also runs regularly except Tuesday. Please check the list below to get more detailed information about it.

Train Name Off Day Departure Arrival
Parabat Express (710) Tuesday 17:41 20:27
Kalani Express (774) Fri 08:20 11:08

Srimangal To Bhairab Bazar Train Ticket Price

Srimangal to Bhairab Bazar ticket price is starting from BDT 175 for the Shuvon Chair category and the highest price is BDT 593 for the AC Seat. There are available more options and you can any options according to seat categories. Please follow the list below to get all the ticket price options.

Seat Category Ticket Price (15% VAT)
Shuvon Chair 175
First Seat 265
Snigdha 328
AC 397
Ac Birth 593

After analyzing all the train schedules and ticket prices’ information of the Srimangal to Bhairab Bazar train route, I am going to finish the article now. In the article, I tried to provide all the correct and more updated information which is collected from a valid source.