Train Schedule

Sonatola To B.B. East Train Schedule With Ticket Price

316 People desire to travel by train to make their journey enjoyable and entertaining as well as safe. So train is now spread all over the country, and there are many train destinations around the country. Sonatola to B.B. East is one of the train destinations. Today I will share with you Sonatola to B.B. East train schedules and ticket prices. I hope you will benefit a lot from the article.

Sonatola To B.B. East Intercity Train Schedule

Sonatola to B.B. East is a popular and well-known route in Bangladesh. Like other train routes, there are two intercity trains on Sonatola to B.B. East route named Lalmoni Express and rangpur Express. To get the detailed information, focus on the following table.

Train Name Off Day Departure Arrival
Lalmoni Express (752) Fri 12:21 17:01
Rangpur Express (772) Sun 22:49 03:43

Sonatola To B.B. East Train Ticket Price

The lowest ticket prices of Sonatola to B.B. East routes are 265 and 320 TK. Here are also some ticket prices of the route along with the seat categories. Read and collect the information you need.

Seat Category Ticket Price (15% VAT)
Shuvon 265
Shuvon Chair 320
First Seat 425
First Birth 635
Snigdha 530
AC 635
AC Birth 950

That’s all about the topic. I hope all the information will be helpful for you. Have a good journey.