Train Schedule

Shahjibazar To Brahmanbaria Train Schedule With Ticket Price

Day by day train transportation is becoming popular to all. Maybe you want to travel from Shahjibazar to Brahmanbaria by train or want to know information about it and so you are here to get the detailed information. Shahjibazar to Brahmanbaria is one of the destinations of the train. Bangladesh railway has fixed all the trains scheduled to make the chain in the train service. Here I have arranged Shahjibazar to Brahmanbaria train schedule with the train ticket price.

Table of Contents

Shahjibazar To Brahmanbaria Intercity Train Schedule

Nowadays, the intercity train is becoming popular with all because of its friendly services. There is an intercity train on Shahjibazar to Brahmanbaria route named Jayantika Express (718). The remaining information is given below.

Train Name Off Day Departure Arrival
Jayantika Express (718) Thursday 15:39 17:09

Shahjibazar To Brahmanbaria Train Ticket Price

The train ticket price is fixed by the Bangladesh railway authority. If you want to know the train ticket price of Shahjibazar to Brahmanbaria, then focus on the following table. You will be able to get all the ticket prices altogether.

Seat Category Ticket Price (15% VAT)
Shuvon 65
Shuvon Chair 80
First Seat 105
First Birth 155
Snigdha 150
AC 179
Ac Birth 265

Read the whole article and collect all the information that you need. I want to assure you that all the information in this article is from dependable sources and updates. For more information, stay connected with us.
