Train Schedule

Shaheed M Monsur Ali To Santahar Train Schedule With Ticket Price

Santahar is 151 KM away from Shaheed M Monsur Ali, and on the route, train service is available. Maybe you want to travel from  Shaheed M Monsur Ali to Santahar, and so you are here to know the train schedule and the train ticket prices. If yes, then you are at the right place. All the information you want is gathered here systematically for you.

Shaheed M Monsur Ali To Santahar Intercity Train Schedule

The intercity train is mainly used for a long-distance journey. The stoppage of the train is very rare. It serves the best services that are not available on the other trains. From Shaheed M Monsur Ali to Santahar, there are two intercity trains named Ekota Express (705) and Lalmoni Express (751). The details of the trains are available below.

Train Name Off Day Departure Arrival
Ekota Express (705) No 13:04 16:00
Lalmoni Express (751) Fri 00:39 03:35

Shaheed M Monsur Ali To Santahar Train Ticket Price

I want to inform you that the train ticket price mainly depends on the seat category. If you want to travel with an AC seat, you have to pay a good payment. So all the ticket prices are given below for you. Just read the following information carefully and collect the information that you need.

Seat Category Ticket Price (15% VAT)
Shuvon 140
Shuvon Chair 165
First Seat 202
First Birth 330
Snigdha 275
AC 330
Ac Birth 495

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