Train Schedule

Sarishabari To Mymensingh Train Schedule With Ticket Price

If you are looking for all the train schedule information on the Sarishabari to Mymensingh route, then the post is suitable for you. The number of passengers traveling by train is increasing day by day. It is the best decision to travel by train to anyone’s destination. However, I will discuss all the train schedules and ticket prices on the Sarishabaro Mymensingh route successively. Please keep following the article if you need the information.

Sarishabari To Mymensingh Intercity Train Schedule

You may know that only 1 trains are available on the route, namely, Agnibina  Jamuna Express (746). I have already given here all the train schedules’ detailed information below. Please have a look at the list below to get the information.

Train Name Off Day Departure Arrival
Jamuna Express (746) No 02:18 04:25

Sarishabari To Mymensingh Train Ticket Price

I hope you got the train schedule information from the list above. Now come to know the ticket price, which is also important to know. The ticket price is starting from BDT 75, and the highest price is BDT 311, which depends on the seat categories. Please follow the list below to get all the ticket prices.

Seat Category Ticket Price (15% VAT)
Shuvon 85
Shuvon Chair 100
First Seat 156

After providing all your searched information, I am going to finish the article now. In the article, I tried to present all the correct and recently updated information. Please leave a comment if you have any questions or any objections to the article. Thank you for staying with the page until the end.