Train Schedule

Santahar To Azimnagar Train Schedule With Ticket Price

Santaha is a railway junction is located in Adamdighi Upazila in the Bogura District of Rajshahi Division and Azim Nagar Railway Station is in the Natore district under Rajshahi Division. Both of the places have a 70 KM gap and there is a good rail connection between the two places. If you want to travel from Santahar to Azimnagar by train, the train scheduekls and ticket price are here.

Santahar To Azimnagar Intercity Train Schedule

Santahar to Azimnagar is a popular train route and most of the passengers of the route want to travel by intercity train. So they look for information about the intercity train of the route. So I am here with detailed information about the only intercity train Lalmoni Express.

Train Name Off Day Departure Arrival
Lalmoni Express (752) Fri 13:40 14:51

Santahar To Azimnagar Train  Ticket Price

Here are the ticket prices of the Santahar to Azimnagar route. All the ticket prices are arranged here serially in the following table along with the seat categories. The lowest price of the ticket is 70 TK.

Seat Category Ticket Price (15% VAT)
Shuvon 70
Shuvon Chair 85
First Seat 110
First Birth 165
Snigdha 140
AC 165
AC Birth 250

Now you can easily travel from Santahar to Azimnagar by train. Note down all the information you need. Make a comment informing me how this article has helped you.