Train Schedule

Santahar To Chilahati Train Schedule & Ticket Price

Santahar to Chilahati is approximately 255 KM distanced. We provide the valid train schedule and ticket price based on Bangladesh Railway. Today we have Santahar to Chilahati train schedule and price, so check out the full article.

Santahar To Chilahati Train Schedule

There are 6 trains available here with different departure times. Many of these trains are luxurious and many of them are normal. Both of them can ensure a safe and comfortable journey. Luxurious trains have many modern facilities and services. They make your journey comfortable. Train schedule is given below based on Bangladesh Railway.

Train Name Off Day Departure Arrival
Rupsha Express (727) Thu 13:25 17:05
Barendra Express (731) Sun 17:25 21:35
Titumir Express (733) Wed 08:50 13:00
Simanta Express (747) Mon 03:15 06:45
Nilsagar Express (765) Mon 12:35 16:00
CHILAHATI Express (805) Sat 22:50 03:00

Details About The Train:

Rupsha Express Train Schedule & Ticket Price

Nilsagar Express Train Schedule & Ticket Price

Santahar To Chilahati Train Ticket Price

There are many kinds of tickets available here. The prices are based on their seat facilities. You can try E-ticket. It is so easy. It saves you time and energy. You can see the ticket prices below.

Seat Category Ticket Price (15% VAT)
Shuvon 150
Shuvon Chair 195
First Seat 299
First Birth 449
Snigdha 374
AC 449
Ac Birth 667

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