Train Schedule

Saiestaganj To Chittagong Train Schedule With Ticket Price

Planning to travel from Saiestaganj to Chittagong by train? Many people travel from Saiestaganj to Chittagong by train to meet their daily needs, and most of them have no idea about the route’s train schedules and ticket prices. Consequently, they face many problems. That’s why I am here with all the information that will help you on your journey.

Saiestaganj To Chittagong Intercity Train Schedule

To travel from Saiestaganj to Chittagong by intercity train you will need less more them five hours. There are two intercity trains on the route named Pahariay Express and Udayan Express. There is an off day of the trains. To get the detailed information, focus on the following table.

Train Name Off Day Departure Arrival
Paharika Express (720) Wed 13:57 18:55
Udayan Express (724) Sun 00:53 05:50

Saiestaganj To Chittagong Train Ticket Price

Saiestaganj to Chittagong train ticket prices is available. If you notice below, you will get all the train ticket prices along with the seat categories. Some of the tickets are cheap, like Shuvon, Shuvon Chair, and some are costly.

Seat Category Ticket Price (15% VAT)
Shuvon 225
Shuvon Chair 270
First Seat 360
First Birth 540
Snigdha 518
AC 621
AC Birth 926

I hope all the information in this article will help you in many ways. On this site, you will get all the train-related information. So come to the site for any information.