Rajshahi To Natore Train Schedule & Ticket Price

Distance from Rajshahi to Natore is mostly 42 KM. It is not so far distance, it is quite a short distance to travel from a train. Most of the time it can take 2-4 hours to reach Natore from Rajshahi city. If you are interested to go to Rajshahi to Natore by train then we can help you out in this article. Here today we have the full valid Rajshahi to Natore train schedule and the ticket price of the train’s seat.

Rajshahi To Natore Train Schedule

There are 3 different trains available on Rajshahi to Natore rail route for you. It means you can travel on this route with these 3 trains. Barandra Express and Titumir Express got off day weekly but Uttara Express has no off day. It means that Uttara Express runs continuously seven days a week on Rajshahi to Natore route. The departure time and arrival time are different for these 3 trains.

Train Name Off Day Departure Arrival
Barendra Express (731) Sunday 15:00 16:20
Titumir Express (733) Wednesday 06:20 07:49
Banglabandha Express (803) Fri 21:00 22:21

Rajshahi To Natore Train Ticket Price

There are 4 different seat categories available for you on Rajshahi to Natore train. The ticket price is different for each different category. The Shuvon seat is only 60 BDT and it is the lowest on this route. The Snigdha seat is 120 BDT and it is the highest price seat on this Rajshahi to Natore train route. Choose the best seat for you according to your financial situation.

Seat Category Ticket Price (15% VAT)
Shuvon 60
Shuvon Chair 75
First Seat 95
Snigdha 120

Related Schedule:

 Natore To Rajshahi Train Schedule & Ticket Price

Rajshahi To Ishwardi Train Schedule & Ticket Price

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