Get Rajshahi to Dhaka train schedule and ticket price information here. Rajshahi to Dhaka is one of the busy routes in Bangladesh. It connects the capital Dhaka with Rajshahi Division. Rajshahi to Dhaka is mostly 245 KM via Highway. On the train, arriving can take up to 6-7 hours. Today we have a full valid Rajshahi to Dhaka train schedule and ticket price:
Table of Contents
Four different trains will travel from Rajshahi to Dhaka. These trains got modern features and facilities. Bangladesh Railway is trying to provide the best for you. Rajshahi to Dhaka train schedule is given below. Please have a look.
Train Name | Off Day | Departure | Arrival |
Silkcity Express (754) | Sunday | 07:40 | 13:20 |
Padma Express (760) | Tuesday | 16:00 | 21:25 |
Dhumketue Express (770) | Wednesday | 23:20 | 05:00 |
Banalata Express (792) | Fri | 07:00 | 11:35 |
MADHUMATI EXPRESS (756) | Thu | 06:40 | 14:00 |
Rajshahi to Dhaka train ticket price is given below. They are not so costly. Anyone can buy a train ticket easily in our country Bangladesh. Have a look and have a nice journey.
Seat Category | Ticket Price (15% VAT) |
Shuvon Chair | 405 |
Snigdha | 771 |
AC | 926 |
F_SEAT | 897 |
AC Birth | 1386 |
Related Schedule:
Dhaka To Rajshahi Train Schedule And Ticket Price
You can buy train tickets online from home easily without hesitation. Bangladesh railway provides tickets, so you don’t need to go to stations. If you want to buy online, check the below link:
So, if you want to travel on this route and are searching for information about Rajshahi to Dhaka train schedule, this article may help you.
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I want to go from rajshahi to chatmohar. How it will cost for shovon chair? please help me, sir.