Train Schedule

Rajshahi To Khulna Train Schedule & Ticket Price

Rajshahi to Khulna is approximately 268 KM distanced. It may take up to 9-14 hours to arrive Khulna from Rajshahi. The time is depending on the traffic and other circumstances of rail. Rajshahi to Khulna is a really busy route. So we took the schedule and brought to you the valid Rajshahi to Khulna train schedule and ticket price:

Rajshahi To Khulna Intercity Train Schedule

There are 2 different trains available with different departure times. Intercity trains are so good. They are luxurious. They have many modern facilities and services. They make your journey comfortable. You can have a great journey by these trains. Look at the schedule given below based on Bangladesh Railway.

Train Name Off Day Departure Arrival
Kapotaskh Express (716) Fri 14:30 20:25
Sagardari Express (762) Mon 06:00 12:10

More About The train:

Kapotaksha Express Train Schedule And Ticket Price

Sagardari Express Train Schedule And Ticket Price

Rajshahi To Khulna Mail Express Train Schedule

There is a train available here. It is Mahananda express and the departure time is 7:55. Mail express trains are not so good as intercity trains. It does not have many modern facilities and services. But it can ensure you a safe and comfortable journey. The schedule is given below based on Bangladesh Railway.

Train Name Off Day Departure Arrival
Mohananda Express (16) No 7:55 16:40

More Related Schedule Of Rajshahi To Khulna Train:

Khulna To Rajshahi Train Schedule & Ticket Price

Rajshahi To Khulna Train Ticket Price:

Choose the best seat to depend on your budget. Ticket price is from Rajshahi to Khulna is starting from 360 BDT and the most expensive one is 828 which is an AC seat. You can buy tickets online from the official railway website.

Seat Category Ticket Price (15% VAT)
Shuvon Chair 360
Snigdha 690
AC 828

Thank you so much for reading this article. We hope and pray that this may help you to find out the exact Rajshahi to Khulna train schedule and ticket price. Keep coming back frequently.