Train Schedule

Poradah To Rajshahi Train Schedule & Ticket Price

Poradah to Rajshahi is mostly 128 KM distanced. Bangladesh is a very populated country so this route is also overpopulated and busy. Many people search the exact train schedule every day. So we are here with Poradah to Rajshahi train schedule and ticket price. See the full article below:

Poradah To Rajshahi Train Schedule:

There are 4 trains available from Poradah with different departure times. Many of them have many modern facilities and services. They make your journey comfortable. The schedule is given below based on Bangladesh Railway. Please have a look at the schedule.

Train Name Off Day Departure Arrival
Kapotaskh Express (715) Fri 10:03 20:00
Madhumati Express (755) Thu 20:15 22:40
Sagardari Express (761) Mon 19:23 22:00
TUNGIPARA Express (783) Tue 11:00 13:15

Poradah To Rajshahi Train Ticket Price

You can buy tickets in two ways. They are given below.

1. You can buy tickets from the station.

2. You can buy it online. Buying tickets online is easy nowadays.

There are 5 different types of seats available in Poradah to the Rajshahi train route. The ticket prices are given below.

Seat Category Ticket Price (15% VAT)
Shuvon 135
Shuvon Chair 160
First Seat 248
Snigdha 294/311

Related Schedule:

Madhumati Express Train Schedule And Ticket Price

Kapotaksha Express Train Schedule And Ticket Price

Buy Tickets Online

Have a great and enjoyable journey through Poradah to the Rajshahi train route. Please share our website with your community so we can help more people. Come back again any time from any part of the world. Thank you.