Train Schedule

Poradah To Shaheed M Monsur Ali Train Schedule With Ticket Price

Poradah to Shaheed M Monsur Ali Train Schedule with Ticket Price information is available here. Travel from Poradah to Shaheed M Monsur Ali by train easily. For traveling on the Poradah to Shaheed M Monsur Ali route, the train will be your perfect choice because the train journey is quite interesting, enjoyable, and comfortable.

Poradah To Shaheed M Monsur Ali Intercity Train Schedule

Poradah to Shaheed M Monsur Ali route has a total of 2 intercity trains. The train schedule of all trains on the Poradah to Shaheed M Monsur Ali route is here for you.

Train Name Off Day Departure Arrival
Sundarban Express (725) Tues 01:32 04:40
Chitra Express (763) Mon 12:24 14:49

Poradah To Shaheed M Monsur Ali Train Ticket Price

Train ticket price is always less than bus or other transports system. There are AC, non-AC, Shuvon, and different seat categories available on the Poradah to Shaheed M Monsur Ali route. Choose the seat category by which you want to travel.

Seat Category Ticket Price (15% VAT)
Shuvon 140
Shuvon Chair 170
First Seat 225
First Birth 335
Snigdha 280
AC 355
AC Birth 500

This article has arranged all the information about Poradah to Shaheed M Monsur Ali Train Schedule with Ticket Price for our visitors. If you find there any misleading information, let us know by writing a comment in the comment box below. Thank you.