Train Schedule

Parbatipur To Fulbari Train Schedule With Ticket Price

Parbatipur to Fulbari is a short-distance route and many people travel from Parbatipur to Fulbari. Though it is a short distance route, there are many trains run on the route with a great number of people. If you want to travel from Parbatipur to Fulbari by train then you should know the train schedules and ticket prices. Keep reading to get all the information.

Parbatipur To Fulbari Intercity Train Schedule

Foremost I want to share with you Parbatipur to Fulbari intercity train schedules. You should know that there are 9 intercity trains on Parbatipur to Fulbari route, I have already arranged all the information in the following table.

Train Name Off Day Departure Arrival
Ekota Express (706) No 23:55 00:31
Rupsha Express (728) Thursday 10:15 10:45
Barendra Express (732) Sunday 06:55 07:13
Titumir Express (734) Wednesday 16:50 17:08
Simanta Express (748) No 20:25 20:43
Drutojan Express (758) No 10:45 11:04
Nilsagar Express (766) Sunday 21:40 21:58
BANGLABANDHA Express (804) Sat 12:20 12:38
CHILAHATI Express (806) Sat 07:30 07:48

Parbatipur To Fulbari Train Ticket Price

There are various types of train ticket prices cheap and costly. The train ticket prices depend on the seat categories. For a high-quality seat, you have to pay a high amount.

Seat Category Ticket Price (15% VAT)
Shuvon Chair 50
Snigdha 115
AC 127

I hope this article will be sufficient for you. I have completed the article from some valid sources. Be careful while traveling.