Train Schedule

Panchbibi To Natore Train Schedule With Ticket Price

Often some people search for information internet about Panchbibi to Natore train schedule with the ticket price. But most of the time, they remain unable to get all the information properly that that want. This is why I am here with all the information that they infer internet. I have gathered the train schedule with the train ticket price of the route that will be enough for all my visitors.

Table of Contents

Panchbibi To Natore Intercity Train Schedule

In this text, I will provide you some information about the intercity train schedule of the Panchbibi to the Natore route. On the route, there is a total of 4 intercity trains. The schedule details of the trains are available below.

Train Name Off Day Departure Arrival
Ekota Express (706) No 01:17 03:13
Barendra Express (732) Sunday 07:57 09:36
Drutojan Express (758) No 11:43 13:44
BANGLABANDHA Express (804) Sat 13:29 15:38

Panchbibi To Natore Train Ticket Price

You have to pay at least 90 Tk. for the distance, and if you want to travel sitting on a luxurious seat, you have to pay the highest 315 Tk. The remaining information is given below in the table.

Seat Category Ticket Price (15% VAT)
Shuvon 90
Shuvon Chair 105
First Seat 140
First Birth 210
Snigdha 175
AC 210
Ac Birth 315

To get any train-related information next time come to our website. This is the richest site full of Bangladesh train-related information. Have a good journey.
