Train Schedule

Nowapara To Saiestaganj Train Schedule With Ticket Price

Day by day the train service is becoming broadening, and people are becoming attracted to the transport as the best communication method everywhere. In Bangladesh, there is also an attraction to train of all.

For a long since, the train system of Bangladesh is in operation. Nowapara to Saiestaganj is one of the best destinations for trains. This article will be written on the train schedule with the ticket price of Nowapara to Saiestaganj.

Nowapara To Saiestaganj Intercity Train Schedule

I have gathered here three trains schedule for you. The trains are known as Parabat Express (709), Jayantika Express (717), and Paharika Express (719). The departure and arrival times are given here in the following box.

Train Name Off Day Departure Arrival
Parabat Express (709) Tues 09:20 09:49
Jayantika Express (717) No 14:55 15:27
Paharika Express (719) Monday 14:19 14:45

Nowapara To Saiestaganj Train Ticket Price

If you want to make a journey from Nowapara to Saiestaganj, you should know the train ticket price. There are seven ticket prices arranged here. If you see below, you will see that both ticket prices with seat categories are arranged here to help you choose to find a suitable ticket that suits you very much.

Seat Category Ticket Price (15% VAT)
Shuvon 45
Shuvon Chair 50
First Seat 90
First Birth 110
Snigdha 115
AC 127
Ac Birth 150

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