Train Schedule

Noakhali To Laksam Train Schedule With Ticket Price

Here you will get the information about the train schedule of Noakhali to Laksam train. Are you thinking about a journey on this route? I suggest you train the journey because the trains are the most suitable vehicle on Noakhali to Laksam route. Also, trains have some kinds of magnificent features that will make your trip more enjoyable. Let’s check out the full article carefully and collect your essential information.

Noakhali To Laksam Intercity Train Schedule

There is only one intercity train available here. It is Upakul express and the departure time is 19:40. Intercity trains are so fast and it doesn’t stop regular interval. This train is filled with many luxurious features. The schedule is given below.

Train Name Off Day Departure Arrival
Upakul Express (711) Wed 06:00 07:25

Noakhali To Laksam Mail/Express Train Schedule

This route has two Mail/Express trains. The Mail/Express trains are not luxurious like the intercity trains. But the mail trains are not a bad choice. For the middle class and lower-middle-class people, the trains are the best choice. See the below chart and know about the train schedule.

Train Name Off Day Departure Arrival
Somotut Express (45) No
Noakhali Commuter (87) Fri

Noakhali To Laksam Train Ticket Price

Seat Category Ticket Price
Shuvon Chair 60
Snigdha 115

So, this was the information about the Noakhali toNoakhali To Laksam Train Schedule With Ticket Price Laksham train schedule. I hope this is helpful to you. If you have anything else to know, you can leave a comment.