Train Schedule

Nayapara To Laksam Train Schedule With Ticket Price

Many people are traveling from Nayapara to Laksam by train every day, but most of them don’t know the train schedule and ticket price clearly. If you are also among them and looking for the topic, please stay with the page till the last.

Nayapara To Laksam Intercity Train Schedule

Nayapara is a part of the Jessore district, and Laksam is situated in the Comilla district. The distance from Nayapara to Laksam is almost 113 km. There is available only one train. That is Paharika Express (720). The train regularly runs except for Saturday. The train departs at Nayapara at 14:19 and arrives in Laksam at 16.38. Please take a look at the list below to get this information at glance.

Train Name Off Day Departure Arrival
Paharika Express (720) Wed 14:19 16:38

Nayapara To Laksam Train Ticket Price

After providing all the train schedules, I am going to present here ticket prices now. Ticket price is also important to know if you want to make a journey. I have given here all the ticket prices with the list below. To get the prices, please follow the list.

Seat Category Ticket Price (15% VAT)
Shuvon 110
Shuvon Chair 130
First Seat 175
First Birth 260
Snigdha 253
AC 299
Ac Birth 449

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