Train Schedule

Natore To Ullapara Train Schedule With Ticket Price

Get information about the Natore to Ullapara train schedule, ticket price and other related information about the Natore to Ullahpara route from here. Do you want to travel to the Ullapara from Natore station? For your convenience here I have added the essential information of this route based on Bangladesh Railway. Now you can easily get the information from here that you need.

Natore To Ullapara Intercity Train Schedule

Lalmoni Express (752) is a luxurious Intercity train in Bangladesh. This train is a well-appointed Intercity train run under Bangladesh Railway. The Lalmoni Express (752) train departs from Natore station at 14:26 and arrives in Ullapara at 15:52. Friday is the weekly off-day.

Train Name Off Day Departure Arrival
Ekota Express (706) No 03:16 04:27
LALMONI Express (752) Fri 14:26 15:52

Natore To Ullapara Train Ticket Price

Bangladeshi trains are run under the Bangladesh Railway. The ticket price also determines from there. I hope you can buy a ticket very easily because the ticket price is not very costly. In the below chart I have added the ticket price category wise. Have a look.

Seat Category Ticket Price (15% VAT)
Shuvon Chair 105

I think after reading the above information, you are now clear about the Natore to Ullahpara route train. If you found any mistake here, please let us know by comment. Stay connected with AmarTrain and keep supporting.