Do you want to know Natore to Nawapara train schedule with the train ticket price? If yes, you will be able to get here all the useful information you should know. Foremost I want to inform you that the distance from Natore to Nawapara is about 283 km, and it is one of the busiest train routes in the country. Here I have already narrated all the train schedules as well as the ticket prices. To get all the information, read the following article carefully.
Table of Contents
Most of the time, when we plan to go somewhere by train, we try to travel by intercity trains. Those who want to travel from Natore to Nowapara by train also able to travel by intercity train. There are two intercity trains named Rupsha Express (728) and Simanta Express (748). The remaining information is given below.
Train Name | Off Day | Departure | Arrival |
Rupsha Express (728) | Thursday | 12:55 | 17:39 |
Simanta Express (748) | Monday | 22:58 | 03:27 |
The main thing is that you have to know the train ticket prices before traveling. There are various types of train ticket prices for a certain distance. You have to choose one.
Seat Category | Ticket Price (15% VAT) |
Shuvon | 240 |
Shuvon Chair | 290 |
First Seat | 385 |
First Birth | 575 |
Snigdha | 480 |
AC | 575 |
Ac Birth | 860 |
Thanks for staying with us and read the whole article carefully. Traveling by train is very useful and enjoyable. If you need any train-related information, please knock me via a commend. Have a good journey.