Natore To Dinajpur route distance is about 210 KM via highway. There are many transport services to travel on this route. The train is one of them. If you want to travel by Natore To Dinajpur route, you have needed the train schedule of this route. We have collected Natore to Dinajpur route train schedule from Bangladesh Railway’s official website and added in this blog. Check it out.
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Only 4 intercity trains travel on this trackway with different depart time. The trains are Ekota Express (705), Drutajan Express (757) and Banglabandha Express (803). The trains are intercity train and they have no off-day. I hope you will make an enjoyable journey with these trains.
Train Name | Off Day | Departure | Arrival |
Ekota Express (705) | NO | 15:06 | 19:00 |
Drutajan Express (757) | No | 00:35 | 04:20 |
Panchagarh Express (793) | No | 03:57 | 07:16 |
Banglabandha Express (803) | Friday | 22:24 | 02:20 |
Now let’s check out the ticket prices of Natore to Dinajpur train. The train ticket prices are all-time cheap from the other vehicle’s regular travel cost. When you will travel by the other vehicles, you have to pay more. But you can travel by train at a low cost. See the below chart and know the train ticket prices.
Seat Category | Ticket Price (15% VAT) |
Shuvon | 155 |
Shuvon Chair | 190 |
1st Seat | 250 |
1st Birth | 375 |
Snigdha | 310 |
Ac Seat | 375 |
AC Birth | 560 |
Now go on a journey on the Natore to Dinajpur by train. You need to go to the station on time. Decide the best seat category that you want and suitable for you. Make sure your journey safe and enjoyable.