129 Maybe you want to travel from Natore to Bonapara by train, and so you are here to get all the information like the train schedules and ticket prices of the route. It is one of the long-distance routes and daily there are many trains run on the route. If you want to travel from Natore to Bonapara by train, you must know the train schedules and ticket prices. All the information is available here.
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The intercity train contains all the modern technologies and serves its passengers all the best service and facilities. This is why most of the passengers desire to travel by intercity train. There are 3 intercity trains on Natore to Bonapara route, and there is an off day of the trains.
Train Name | Off Day | Departure | Arrival |
Lalmoni Express (751) | Fri | 02:42 | 05:21 |
Rangpur Express (771) | Mon | 13:52 | 16:47 |
BURIMARI EXPRESS (809) | Tue | 13:05 | 15:33 |
Natore to Bonapara is one of the long-distance routes, and so the ticket prices are relatively high. All the ticket prices are not the same there is a great variety on them.
Seat Category | Ticket Price (15% VAT) |
Shuvon | 125 |
Shuvon Chair | 145 |
First Seat | 195 |
First Birth | 290 |
Snigdha | 245 |
AC | 290 |
AC Birth | 435 |
To get any train-related information, come to the site again. Have a good journey.