Narsingdi To Brahmanbaria Train Schedule With Ticket Price

Are you looking for Narshingdi to Brahmanbaria Intercity Train Schedule and Ticket Price? If you are looking for the topic, then the post is more suitable for you. The distance between the districts is 62.7 Km. If you are interested in knowing Narshingdi to Brahmanbaria intercity train schedule, please follow the article attentively. There is given all the train schedules with the ticket prices.

Narsingdi To Brahmanbaria Intercity Train Schedule

Firstly, I have given here the train schedule from Narshingdi to Brahmanbaria. It is available a total of three train routes, namely, Upakul Express (712), Mohanagar Express (722), and Chattala Express (802). Upakul Express and Chattala Express regularly runs a week except for Tuesday, and Mohanagar Express also runs regularly except Sunday.

Train Name Off Day Departure Arrival
Upukol Express (712) Tuesday 16:20 17:17
Mohanagar Express (722) Sunday 22:30 23:28
CHATTALA EXPRESS (802) Fri 14:55 15:55

Narsingdi To Brahmanbaria Train Ticket Price

After analyzing the Train Schedule, I will provide here the ticket price with the list below. The ticket price starts from 70 BDT for Shuvon, and the highest price is 288 for AC Birth. You also have more options to choose the price for different seat categories. So, let’s go to check out the ticket prices below.

Seat Category Ticket Price (15% VAT)
Shuvon 70
Shuvon Chair 85
First Seat 110
First Birth 165
Snigdha 161
AC 190
Ac Birth 288

After discussing the train schedule and prices from Narshingdi to Brahmanbaria, I want to finish the article now. I hope you got all the information without any inconvenience from the article. If you want to know more related information, please visit our other site or leave a comment. Thank you for visiting the site in the long run.