Nangalkot To Narsingdi Train Schedule With Ticket Price

If you plan to travel from Nangalkot to Narshingdi by train, then the post will help you find any train schedule information and ticket price. So, no more delay, let’s go to know the information without any inconvenience.

Nangalkot To Narsingdi Intercity Train Schedule

Nangalkot is an Upazila which is situated in the Comilla district. The distance from Nangalkot to Narshingdi is almost 171 km, which is a long distance. There is available only one train on the route, which is Mohanagar Express (721). The train regularly runs a week except for Sunday. Please check the list below to get more information about it.

Train Name Off Day Departure Arrival
Mohanagar Express (721) Sunday 14:22 17:28

Nangalkot To Narsingdi Train Ticket Price

I hope you got the train schedule information from the list above. Now I will present here all the ticket price information. The ticket price is starting from BDT 155, and the highest price is BDT 639. There are available more ticket price options according to the seat categories. Please follow the list below to get all the ticket prices.

Seat Category Ticket Price (15% VAT)
Shuvon 155
Shuvon Chair 185
First Seat 250
First Birth 370
Snigdha 357
AC 426
Ac Birth 639

I hope you got all the train schedules and ticket prices on the Nangalkot to Narshingdi train route. Now inform your opinion after reading the whole article. If you need more related information, please visit our other pages or leave a comment. Thank you.