Train Schedule

Mymensingh To Mohangonj Train Schedule & Ticket Price

Are you searching for the train schedule of Mymensingh to Mohangonj? If you read this article carefully you will find out the train schedule and ticket price of Mymensingh to Mohongonj route. This route is not very far. The distance of Mymensingh to Mohongonj is only 59 km. You can travel by train on this route easily and smoothly. Let’s see the train schedule of Mymensingh to the Mohongonj route.

Mymensingh To Mohangonj Train schedule

This trackway has two types of train: Intercity and another one are Mail Express. The Hawr express is only one Intercity train in Mymensingh to the Mohangonj route. If you want an enjoyable journey and if you have not enough time in your hand then you choose the Intercity train. Because the Intercity train has some extra features which give you satisfactory and it saves your time. Hawr express has an off day on Thursday. There are two Mail express trains in this way The Mohua express and another one is Mohongonj express. Mohongonj express has an off day on Monday and Mohua express has no off day. The Mail express trains are not very bad you can also travel by Mail express train.

Train Name Off Day Departure Arrival
Haor Express (777) Wednesday 01:10 04:00
Mohangonj Express (789) Fri 15:58 18:20

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We hope that, you know the exact Mymensingh to Mohangonj train schedule and ticket price. We tried our best to find it out for you. Please leave a comment below if we had done something wrong or mistakes. Thanks. Be back again for any kind of train schedule.