The Distance from Mymensingh to Kishoreganj is 67 KM and it may take 3 hours up to 4 hours to arrive on Kishoreganj from Mymensingh city. If you are interested to travel on this route via train. Then we can help you by providing some information on Mymensingh to Kishoreganj train. We have collected the full authentic schedule of Mymensingh to Kishoregnaj Intercity train and Mymensingh to Kishoreganj Mail Express train schedule. Read this full article from beginning to end if you wanna travel through train on this route.
Table of Contents
There is only one Intercity train available on Mymensingh to Kishoreganj train route. The train’s name is Bijoy Express. This train runs continuously seven days a week except on Tuesday. Tuesday is the off the of this train. You can have a very peaceful and comfortable journey with this intercity train while traveling on Mymensingh to Kishoreganj.
Train Name | Off Day | Departure | Arrival |
Bijoy Express (786) | Tues | 21:40 | 23:25 |
There is also a Mail Express train available on Mymensingh to Kishoreganj train route. This Mail Express train Isha Khan Express runs continuously seven days a week. This train has no off day this week. The Departure time of this train is 12:00 noon and the arrival time is 15:00. It means it can take 3 hours to complete the train journey.
Train Name | Off Day | Departure | Arrival |
Isha Khan Express | No | 12:00 | 15:00 |
Seat Category | Ticket Price |
Shuvon Chair | 100 |
1st Birth | 230 |
Snigdha | 190 |
AC Birth | 340 |
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We recommend you to stay alert with your goods while travelling on a train. Keep the Bangladeshi Police Emergency number always in mind (999), if you feel or face any trouble while travelling on Mymensingh to Kishoreganj train route, you can call on the police emergency number. Have a safest and peaceful journey mate.