Train Schedule

Mokandpur To Brahmanbaria Train Schedule With Ticket Price

Do you want to travel from Mokandpur to Brahmanbaria by train? Don’t worry. On the site, you will be able to get detailed information about not only this train destination but also all the information of all the train destinations in Bangladesh. Mokandpur to Brahmanbaria is a short-distance train route with a range of 44 KM. Maybe you are here to know the train schedules and ticket prices of the route. Don’t worry. keep reading the following article carefully.

Mokandpur To Brahmanbaria Intercity Train Schedule

Jayantika Express (718) is one of the popular intercity trains that run with a large range. Mokandpur to Brahmanbaria is also under the range of the Jayantika Express (718) train. Here is a schedule below. The remaining information is given below.

Train Name Off Day Departure Arrival
Jayantika Express (718) Thursday 16:31 17:09

Mokandpur To Brahmanbaria Train Ticket Price

Besides the train schedules, you should know the train ticket prices. You will be able to get various types of train ticket prices like cheap, medium, high, etc.

Seat Category Ticket Price (15% VAT)
Shuvon 45
Shuvon Chair 50
First Seat 90
First Birth 110
Snigdha 115
AC 127
Ac Birth 150

That’s all about the topic. If you face any trouble here then let me know. Stay connected with us for more information.