Train Schedule

Lalmonirhat To Bogra Train Schedule With Ticket Price

Are you searching for the information about the Lalmonirhat to Bogra train schedule? From here you will able to get all the information about this route. The total distance of Lalmonirhat to Bogra is approximately 162.6 KM. I tried to collect all the valid information about this train schedule. If you think this article will help you, then read this article attentively to get your necessary information.

Lalmonirhat To Bogra Intercity Train Schedule

Lalmonirhat to Bogra route has 3 Intercity trains. The name of those trains is Karotua Express (714) and Lalmoni Express (752). Those trains have off day and those trains are run at different times. To collect more information about this Intercity train, have a look below the chart.

Train Name Off Day Departure Arrival
Karutoa Express (714) Wed 18:45 21:45
Lalmoni Express (752) Fri 10:00 12:51
BURIMARI EXPRESS (810) Mon 21:10 00:03

Lalmonirhat To Bogra Mail/Express Train Schedule

Lalmonirhat to Bogra route has also Mail/Express train. This route has two Express trains named Bogra Express (20), Padmarag Express (22). Those trains are run every day. So you can travel by train every day without face any problem. If you want to know more about it read this article carefully and gather your information.

Train Name Off Day Departure Arrival
Bogra Express (20) No
Padmarag Express (22) No

Lalmonirhat To Bogra Train Ticket Price

This train has many categorize of the seat like Shuvon, 1st Seat, Snigdha, Ac Seat, etc. And every seat has different prices. This train ticket price starts at 160 TK. It’s not very costly. So everyone can travel by train easily. The highest ticket price of this train 547 TK. To know all the ticket prices read this article carefully.

Seat Category Ticket Price (15% VAT)
Shuvon Chair 160
Snigdha 305
Ac Seat 363
AC Birth 547

I hope this article was helpful to you. If you get some benefits from here please share this post with others. All the information here I collected from the Bangladesh Railway’s official site. Have a safe journey.