Train Schedule

Laksam To Akhaura Train Schedule With Ticket Price

Pnning to travel from Laksam to Akhaura by train? Good idea. The distance from Laksam to Akhaura is only 73 KM, and you will get available trains on the train, and you can easily travel any of the trains. But most important is to know the train schedules and ticket prices of the route. Don’t worry, here are the detailed information about the route. Keep reading.

Laksam To Akhaura Intercity Train Schedule

Laksam to Akhaura is the busiest route, and there are available intercity trains on the route providing services to its passengers with a great reputation. There are seven intercity trains on Laksam to Akhaura route, and to get detailed information focus on the following table carefully.

Train Name Off Day Departure Arrival
Mohanagar Godhuli (703) No 17:06 18:20
Upakul Express (711) Wed 07:30 08:50
Paharika Express (719) Mon 10:03 11:30
Mahanagar Express (721) Sunday 14:40 16:05
Udayan Express (723) Wed 23:47 01:05
Turna Express (741) No 01:32 02:47
Bijoy Express (785) Tue 11:20 12:35
CHATTALA EXPRESS (801) Fri 08:18 09:35

Laksam To Akhaura Train Ticket Price

Trian ticket prices are affordable and available than the other transports. There is a variety of train tickets. If you want to travel from Laksam to Akhaura, then this article is for you. Notice in the following table and collect the information you need.

Seat Category Ticket Price (15% VAT)
Shuvon Chair 90
Snigdha 167
AC 196/202
AC Birth 299

After reading the article, I hope you will travel without any problems and be free from boredom. To get any train schedules, come to the site again.