Maybe you want to travel from Kulaura to Laksham by train, and so you are here to know the train schedules and ticket prices of the route. If yes, then don’t worry. We are here providing all the train-related information that all collected from some valid sources. If you are so eager to know the route’s train schedules and ticket prices, then keep reading the article from top to bottom.
Table of Contents
The distance from Kulaura to Laksham is 202 KM, and for such a destination, an intercity train is best. You never get bored and always feel cheerful. Paharika Express and Udayan Express are the two intercity trains of the route. To get all the information about the trains, focus on the below table.
Train Name | Off Day | Departure | Arrival |
Paharika Express (720) | Wed | 11:58 | 16:38 |
Udyan Express (724) | Sunday | 23:16 | 03:37 |
As all walks of people travel by train, there are various seats on the train, and all the ticket prices vary on the seat categories. For a good quality seat, the price is higher.
Seat Category | Ticket Price (15% VAT) |
Shuvon Chair | 240 |
Snigdha | 455 |
AC | 547 |
AC Birth | 817 |
I hope you have read the whole article from top to bottom and collected all the information you need. Have a good journey.