Train Schedule

Kotchadpur To Natore Train Schedule With Ticket Price

Kotchadpur to Natore is one of the trains’ destinations, and this route is very popular with all. Daily a lot of trains run on the route with lots of passengers. Maybe you are one of them, so you are here to know all the train schedules and the ticket prices of the Kotchadpur to Natore route. Kotchadpur to Natore is a distance of about 182 km. Here all the relevant information about the topic available.

Kotchadpur To Natore Intercity Train Schedule

Kotchadpur to Natore is a way of 3 hours, and ion the route, two intercity trains are available named Rupsha Express (727) and Simanta Express (747). The rest information is given below.

Train Name Off Day Departure Arrival
Rupsha Express (727) Thursday 09:05 12:12
Simanta Express (747) Monday 23:09 02:20

Kotchadpur To Natore Train Ticket Price

Kotchadpur to Natore train ticket prices is given here below. All the prices are given here with 15% vat. You have to pay less for a low-quality seat, but you have to pay more for a high-quality seat.

Seat Category Ticket Price (15% VAT)
Shuvon Chair 220
Snigdha 414
AC 501

I hope you have got a clear conception of the topic. If you need more information about the topic or any train-related topic, then let us know or revisit the site. Have a good journey.