The total distance from Kotchadpur to Ahsanganj is 206 km by train. Though it is a long way, most of the people travel from Kotchadpur to Ahsanganj by train. Because train traveling is more entertaining than the other transportations. Here I am going to sharing with you Kotchadpur to Ahsanganj train schedule with the train ticket price so that you can get a proper journey.
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Rupsha Express (727) is the only intercity train that runs from Kotchadpur to Ahsanganj. Tuesday is the train’s off-day, and it will need 3 hours and 45 minutes to reach Ahsanganj.
Train Name | Off Day | Departure | Arrival |
Rupsha Express (727) | Thursday | 09:05 | 12:54 |
Though from Kotchadpur to Ahsanganj is a long-distance, the price is not so high. You will be able to make a journey on the route by Tk 185. The other prices are given below.
Seat Category | Ticket Price (15% VAT) |
Shuvon | 185 |
Shuvon Chair | 220 |
First Seat | 290 |
First Birth | 435 |
Snigdha | 365 |
AC | 435 |
Ac Birth | 650 |
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