Mymensingh is 67.6 Km away from Kishoreganj. Many people visit through this route. So we brought the exact Kishoreganj to Mymensingh train schedule and ticket price for you. Please read the full article to know everything:
Table of Contents
There are two trains named Bijoy Express and Isha Khan Express that will travel from Kishoreganj to Mymensingh. Its time schedule is given below.
Train Name | Off Day | Departure | Arrival |
Bijoy Express (785) | Tue | 14:32 | 16:25 |
The ticket price on this route is not much costly. Shuvon category seat is starting with 100 BDT and the AC Birth category price is 340 BDT only. Choose the best one according to your budget.
Seat Category | Ticket Price |
Shuvon Chair | 100 |
1st Birth | 230 |
Snigdha | 190 |
AC Birth | 340 |
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