Train Schedule

Khulna To Chuyadanga Train Schedule With Ticket Price

Chuyadanga is about 139 KM far from Khulna. On the route, all types of trains are available. Daily a great number of people travel from Khulna to Chuyadanga by train for their daily purposes. But most of them have no idea about the train schedule and the train ticket price. So often, they are to fall into great problems. So today, I am here with all the information in detail to solve all the problems.

Khulna To Chuyadanga Intercity Train Schedule

If you want to travel from Khulna to Chuyadanga by train, you will need about 2 hours and 15 minutes. On the route, there are 6 intercity trains. I have given below all the names of the trains and the off-day, departure, and arrival times.

Train Name Off Day Departure Arrival
Kapotaskh Express (715) Fri 06:45 09:25
Sundarban Express (725) Tue 21:45 00:20
Rupsha Express (727) Thu 07:15 10:03
Simanta Express (747) Mon 21:15 23:56
Sagardari Express (761) Mon 16:00 18:45
Chittra Express (763) Sun 09:00 11:50

Khulna To Chuyadanga Train Ticket Price

The train ticket price is not so high as the other transportations. Again, you will be able to get an enjoyable journey without any boring. Here is a table is given below where you will be able to get all the Khulna ticket prices to the Chuyadanga route.

Seat Category Ticket Price (15% VAT)
Shuvon Chair 165
First F_BERTH 380
Snigdha 317
AC 380

That’s all about the topic. If you need any information on any train-related information, then visit this site again. All the train-related information is available here. So please stay connected with us.