Train Schedule

Kasba To Nangalkot Train Schedule With Ticket Price

It is very important to know the train schedule and the train ticket prices before traveling by train. So if you want to travel from kasba to Nangalkot by train, you must know the train schedule with the ticket price. Most of us don’t know the information indeed. This is why I am here with all the information related to the topic. To get more information, keep reading.

Kasba To Nangalkot Intercity Train Schedule

There are two intercity trains available on Kasba to Nangalkot route. If you want to travel on the route by intercity train, focus on the following table carefully. All the information is available there.

Train Name Off Day Departure Arrival
Paharika Express (720) Wed 15:43 16:55
Mohanagar Express (722) Sun 00:16 01:26

Kasba To Nangalkot Train Ticket Price

There are various categories of seats on a train and so various types of seat prices. Here I have gathered seven types of ticket prices. The remaining information is given below.

Seat Category Ticket Price (15% VAT)
Shuvon 70
Shuvon Chair 85
First Seat 110
First Birth 165
Snigdha 161
AC 190
Ac Birth 288

That’s all about the topic. Inform us of your opinion and views via a  comment below. Please stay connected with us for more updates.