Train Schedule

Joypurhat To Chilahati Train Schedule & Ticket Price

Joypurhat To Chilahati is mostly 146.6 KM distanced. It’s a quite long distance but I think train can be the best choice for you to cover up this distance. By train, it may take up to 6-8 hours to reach Chilahati from Joypurhat. We got the Joypurhat to Chilahati train schedule and ticket price in the following:

Joypurhat To Chilahati Train Schedule

There are five different trains with different departure times. That will travel through Joypurhat to Chilahati route. Its time schedule is given below. Every train’s departure and arrival time is different. The off day is also different for each train.

Train Name Off Day Departure Arrival
Rupsha Express (727) Thu 14:05 17:05
Barendra Express (731) Sun 18:10 21:35
Titumir Express (733) Wed 09:33 13:00
Simanta Express (747) Mon 03:54 06:45
Nilsagar Express (765) Mon 13:14 16:00
CHILAHATI Express (805) Sat 23:44 03:00

More Related Schedules For Joypurhat to Chilahati:

Rupsha Express Train Schedule & Ticket Price

Titumir Express Train Schedule & Ticket Price

Simanta Express Train Schedule & Ticket Price

Nilsagar Express Train Schedule & Ticket Price

Joypurhat To Chilahati Train Ticket Price

There are 7 different seat categories available for you to bu.train ticket is very cheap in our country. We can buy a train ticket from the railway station as well as buy an e-ticket. As purchasing tickets through the Internet is another convenient way to travel with Bangladesh Railway, Bangladesh Railway has added this useful system to buy e-ticket online

Joypurhat to Chilahati train ticket price is given below

Seat Category Ticket Price (15% VAT)
Shuvon 130
Shuvon Chair 155
First Seat 236
First Birth 357
Snigdha 299
AC Seat 357
Ac Birth 529

That’s it for Joypurhat to Chilahati train. If you liked this article, please comment and share your thoughts about us. Feel free to share and spread the love for us. Keep coming back and visiting us.