Are you searching for the Joydebpur to Natore train schedule? No more searching, I have collected the exact train schedule of the Joydebpur to Natore route and added it to this article. You can easily gather the information from this blog that you need. So start your reading and find out your essential information.
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The train transport system of the Joydebpur to Natore route is very well. A total of 5 intercity trains are running on this route with several departing time. The trains are Ekota Express (705), Lalmoni Express (751),CHILAHATI EXPRESS (805), Drutajan Express (757), and Nilsagor Express (765). The departing time and arrival of those trains have been given in the below chart.
Train Name | Off Day | Departure | Arrival |
Ekota Express (705) | No | 11:08 | 15:03 |
LALMONI Express (751) | Fri | 22:39 | 02:39 |
Drutajan Express (757) | NO | 20:56 | 00:33 |
Nilsagor Express (765) | Mon | 07:37 | 11:18 |
CHILAHATI EXPRESS (805) | Sat | 17:55 | 21:44 |
Now you are going to inform about the ticket price of the Joydebpur to Natore route train ticket price. I have gathered the exact train ticket price of Joydebpur to Natore route train ticket price and share it with you. Have a look at the below chart.
Seat Category | Ticket Price (15% VAT) |
Shuvon Chair | 335 |
Sometimes the schedule can be wrong because as you know the train schedule is variable and also the Bangladesh train sometimes late. If you found any mistake please let me know by comment, share this article with other people.